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Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

The Citrus Fruit caterpillar of Limo

The Citrus Fruit caterpillar of Limo
By Devita Sri Raihana
Possibly many already posting about the Citrus Fruit Limo That circle in the Internet, but this time I try make posting in order to be different from posting-posting they who circulated in the world Internet this. Friends know with the Citrus Fruit caterpillar limo? The possibility of many of the friends never seeing the citrus fruit caterpillar limo this, this caterpillar if am to the citrus fruit leaves limo almost is not seen because the form and his colour almost are the same as the citrus fruit leaves limo, this is camouflage that is quite perfect from the citrus fruit caterpillar limo this to avoid enemy like birds. Evidently that like the citrus fruit leaves limo not only humankind friends, but also the Limo Citrus Fruit caterpillar really comfortable. If friends visit to Bali definitely hear if the Citrus Fruit leaves limo this is used as the mixture or the spice delicious slice Klungah thinly (vegetables from the coconut shell that still is very young), or is used as the spice mixture pecel that is refined in a manner along with The land that has been fried. The Limo Citrus Fruit caterpillar quite different from leaves caterpillars that are other apart from his form is funny also rather strange because of not having feathers but also I want to see the further development how this Limo Citrus Fruit Caterpillar experiences the process of the Metamorphosis of becoming the butterfly, just wait friends! . Possibly will be more interesting if later the photograph in posting this is equipped kepongpong the Citrus Fruit Caterpillar limo or the Limo Citrus Fruit Butterfly although more exciting. The photograph in posting this the date: on January 29 2009.

Ulat Jeruk Limo
By Devita Sri Raihana
Mungkin banyak sudah posting tentang Jeruk Limo Yang beredar di Internet, namun kali ini aku coba membuat posting agar berbeda dari posting-posting mereka yang telah beredar di dunia maya tersebut. Teman-teman tau dengan ulat Jeruk limo? Kemungkinan banyak diantara teman-teman belum pernah melihat ulat jeruk limo tersebut, ulat ini jika berada pada daun jeruk limo hampir tidak terlihat karena bentuk dan warnanya hampir sama dengan daun jeruk limo, ini merupakan kamuflase yang cukup sempurna dari ulat jeruk limo tersebut untuk menghindari pemangsa seperti burung. Ternyata yang suka sama daun jeruk limo bukan hanya manusia saja teman-teman, tapi juga ulat Jeruk Limo sangat doyan. Kalau teman-teman berkunjung ke Bali tentunya sudah pernah mendengar kalau daun Jeruk limo ini digunakan sebagai campuran atau bumbu penyedap Lawar Klungah (Sayur dari tempurung kelapa yang masih sangat muda), atau digunakan sebagai campuran bumbu pecel yang dihaluskan secara bersamaan dengan kacang tanah yang sudah digoreng. Ulat Jeruk Limo memang berbeda dari ulat-ulat daun yang lain selain bentuknya lucu juga agak aneh karena tidak berbulu dan juga aku ingin melihat perkembangan selanjutnya bagaimana Ulat Jeruk Limo ini mengalami proses Metamorfosis menjadi kupu-kupu, tunggu aja ya teman-teman!. Mungkin akan lebih menarik jika nanti photo pada posting ini dilengkapi kepongpong Ulat Jeruk limo atau Kupu-kupu Jeruk Limo biar lebih seru. Photo pada posting ini tanggal : 29 January 2009.

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